July 19, 2007

Questions for Hillary Clinton

You probably won't hear Katie, Diane or Meredith asking these:

* How proud are you of being the first First Lady to come under criminal investigation?

* Do you believe that anyone is above the law?

* Do you agree with your husband that oral sex isn't really sex?

* What would you say to the parents of the Arlington, VA middle-school girl active in an 'oral-sex ring' who said, "What's the big deal? President Clinton did it." (Page 19, Newsweek, July 19, 1999) ?
* Have you allowed yourself to be publicly demeaned by a philandering husband because he is your ticket to political
fame and fortune?

* Was it because you did not want the American people to know the extent to which you assimilated the beliefs and methods of Saul Alinsky, radical organizer and author of "Rules for Radicals", that your Wellesley College Senior thesis was locked away in 1993 at the request of the White House?

* While monitoring the murder trial of the New Haven Nine for the ACLU did you ever see the videotape of the 'trial' (=torture and murder) of victim Alex Rackley that was made by his Black Panther killers?

* If elected President, will you continue the crass commercialism of the Presidency that the Clinton administration began with the selling of overnight stays in the Lincoln bedroom?

* Do you still think that drug abusers suffer from a disability and thereby have a right to employment at the White House?

* Why was White House physician Dr. Burton Lee refused access to your co-president's medical records and then fired?

* Why was known terrorist Yassir Arafat invited to the White House more than any other world leader?

* What was the result of the investigation into your supporters who
spit on a state police honor guard carrying an American flag just before you accepted your party's Senate nomination at Albany's Pepsi Arena? You and then-state party chairwoman Judith Hope promised an investigation to find the guilty parties.
* Were the Clinton White House staffers who vandalized the White House (60 computer keyboards disabled, desk drawers glued shut, coffee poured into file cabinets, doorknobs stolen, lewd messages left on answering machines, and a presidential seal gone) ever reprimanded?

* Do you advocate “reform” that would give illegal aliens full access to taxpayer-funded health care services?

* Is it part of your 'family values' to tolerate your husband's brazen infidelities?
* Why are you "deeply disturbed" to learn that the National Security Agency was data-mining phone records to track down terrorists, when ...

  1) under your co-president,
the same NSA monitored millions of private phone calls placed by U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries under a super secret program code-named Echelon ?

  2) as First Lady, you had Marsha Scott, the chief of staff in the Presidential Personnel Office, develop a taxpayer-funded database (to the tune of $1.6 million) known as WHO DB that contains the vital statistics, SS #, ethnicity, political associations, sexual preference of more than 350,000 members of Congress, state and local officials, journalists, supporters and donors from the lists of the DNC, and officials from the Reagan and Bush 41 administrations ?

* Do you still have the no eye-contact rule that former White House FBI agent Gary Aldrich wrote about in his book "Unlimited Access"?

* Do you still require Secret Service agents assigned to protect you to carry your bags?

* Is it your policy to 'stiff' waitresses? (Google: Trish Trupo)

* Do you still support the 'Dream Act', which is designed to allow illegal aliens to attend college at the reduced tuition rates normally reserved for in-state legal residents?
* Your supporters credit you with a sharp memory for detail, but when questioned in court or before Congress about various Clinton scandals you testified under oath you 'didn't remember' or 'couldn't recall' 250 times.

   And then you were paid $8 million for your memoirs.

   Just how accurate are those memoirs?

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