September 05, 2007

Hillary's Clintonesque Math

Hillary Clinton thinks that her political negatives are a positive, a "fortunate blessing" even.

I can just imagine a certain portion of the American public nodding in agreement.

If the 'smartest woman on earth' says so, it must be so.

I may have only a state university education, not Wellesley or Yale, but I do know that 'political negatives' do not add up to a 'fortunate blessing' no matter what formula you use.

It must be Clintonesque math.

What are her political negatives anyway?

She's a woman.... This isn't necessarily a negative. I think a woman could be president, and I'd vote for a woman, just not HER.

She's scripted.... Hillary won't/can't answer an unrehearsed question. She relies on her 'handlers' to get questions before-hand so they can review and refuse them if necessary.

She's unlikeable.... Unless you like cold, ambitious, angry, arrogant, corrupt, duplicitous, paranoid, ruthless, and elitist people.

She's a socialist.... No matter how times in how many ways she tries to reinvent herself, she's a socialist.
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
All that 'it takes a village' to raise a child crap?
No, it does not. It takes parents.

Hillarycare was socialized medicine all dressed up as 'universal health care'.

Earlier this year she promised that a third Clinton administration would seize oil company profits and use the money for government projects.

Google 'Saul Alinsky', the subject of her locked-away Wellesley thesis.

She monitored the Black Panther trial at Yale for 'Tommy the Commie' Emerson, her leftist law professor and mentor; summer of 1972, she interned at the Berkeley office of attorney Robert Treuhaft, a hard-line Stalinist who quit the Communist Party in 1958 only because it was losing members and was no longer a good platform for his activism and who dedicated his entire legal career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB.

She's a liar.... as First Lady she:

* obstructed justice by keeping her billing records, a document sought under subpoena, in the White House residence.
* lied to investigators about her knowledge about billing records.
* lied to investigators about her involvement in the Castle Grande land scam.
* lied to investigators about her involvement in the firing of Travel Office Employees.

She's a flip-flopper.... For the war, then against the war but for the troops, but not for funding the troops.

Clinton's vote for the war wasn't her fault....
she didn't bother to read the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq before she voting to authorize President Bush to use force in 2002.

She now claims she was misled by faulty intelligence she never read, but rather was briefed by staffers.

She's polarizing.... Love her, hate her. Despise her.

She's got baggage....

Cattlegate. Whitewater. Travelgate. Filegate. Chinagate. Galagate.
Vandalgate. Lootgate.

She's got bigger baggage....

His name is William Jefferson Clinton.

Some deluded people think he's a positive.

He's a ZERO.

"I think Elizabeth Moynihan, Senator Moynihan’s wife, had it right when she told me that Hillary is "duplicitous." Hillary acts as though she is chosen by God, and that gives her the right to use any means to justify her ends." -- Edward Klein
(Political cartoonist: Paul Combs, Tribune Media Services)

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