September 20, 2007

Not Forgotten: National POW/MIA Day

Congress has set aside the 3rd Friday of September in each year as National POW/MIA Recognition Day.

It is a time to remember those who never came home and to remind us that, while we enjoy the privileges of freedom, somewhere there are soldiers who have not been accounted for and may, in fa
ct, be held against their will by the enemies of Freedom.

Three American soldiers from the Iraq War remain POW / MIA:

Since April 9, 2004:
Keith Matthew "Matt" Maupin, Sgt, United States Army.
Since October 23, 2006:
Ahmed Altaie, Iraqi-American Army Specialist and Linguist,

Since May 12, 2007:
Byron Fouty , age 19, Army pvt:
Alex Jimenez, age 25, Army Spc:

You are NOT Forgotten!!

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