* Audacity: bold or arrogant disregard of normal restraints

We’re not allowed to mention his middle name: Hussein.
We’re not allowed to talk about his Kenyan father's side of the family.

We’re not allowed to talk about his shady real-estate dealings nor his admitted drug use.
We’re not allowed to talk about his Muslim upbringing in Indonesia, his ties to the Nation of Islam or about the radical Islamic terrorists who support his candidacy..
We’re not allowed to talk about his patriotism (the lack of), unless it's the 'newly-found' version.
We’re not allowed to talk about his wife, Michelle, even though he wants us to accept her as the First Lady of this country.
Anyone who dares to offer any criticism or caricature of the Obamessiah as less than perfect is characterized by the Obamaniacs as *gasp* a RACIST.
If his skin is too thin to handle criticism, he's really in the wrong business.
Imagine if he had to tolerate the endless disrespect that a sitting President has had to endure for the last six years.
Imagine him as a 'guest' of Uncle Ho at the Hanoi Hilton for five years.
Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more than a pandering politician loaded with inexperience, arrogance, and a sense of entitlement.

Like others in his profession, he can dish it out but not take it.
Obummer's empty suit needs filling out.
Growing a pair would be a good start.
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