October 31, 2013
Halloween 2013
Oh, Halloween. The candy! The costumes!
Remember when parents would cut two eye-holes in a sheet and send the kid out as a ghost?
Well, these costumes really let the Creativity flow!
Can you guess the character?
1. A neat twist on Little Red Riding Hood
2. From "A Clockwork Orange": Alex de Large
3. Hobbit Frodo Baggins (I especially like the 'furry feet')
4. Don Draper, "Mad Men"
5. Forrest Gump and Lt Dan
6. Holly Golightly ("Breakfast at Tiffanys")
7. Napoleon Dynamite's brother, Kip
8. Link and Zelda
9. Shark and Shark Bait
10. Jesse and Walt, "Breaking Bad"
11. Beetlejuice cast
12. Labyrinth cast
Remember when parents would cut two eye-holes in a sheet and send the kid out as a ghost?
Well, these costumes really let the Creativity flow!
Can you guess the character?
1. A neat twist on Little Red Riding Hood
2. From "A Clockwork Orange": Alex de Large
3. Hobbit Frodo Baggins (I especially like the 'furry feet')
4. Don Draper, "Mad Men"
5. Forrest Gump and Lt Dan
6. Holly Golightly ("Breakfast at Tiffanys")
7. Napoleon Dynamite's brother, Kip
8. Link and Zelda
9. Shark and Shark Bait
10. Jesse and Walt, "Breaking Bad"
11. Beetlejuice cast
12. Labyrinth cast
13. Wilson from "Cast Away"
October 29, 2013
October 23, 2013
The Beirut Marines
On this date in 1983 terrorists bombed the Marine Barracks in Beirut, killing 220 U.S. Marines and 21 other service personnel.
Beirut barracks bombing
Requietum en Pacem, Marines
Beirut barracks bombing
October 22, 2013
Return of the Motor-Mouth Moron
Since our Congressional districts were rezoned, I could not vote against the motor-mouth moron again.
So much for hoping that his hiatus from Congress might have made him a bit more reasonable (=sane).
So much for hoping that his hiatus from Congress might have made him a bit more reasonable (=sane).
Grayson was always an idiot and remains so. A key point to remember,
whenever a far left wacko brings up the race card in any fashion, it
means they are losing on FACTS. Think about it, if this clown Grayson
thought for one second he had a winning hand, he wouldn't drop these
racist bombs.
October 21, 2013
Deaf to Reason
This is shameful and disgusting:
Feds try to eliminate housing for deaf at complex built for hearing-impaired
Arizona is defying a federal order to eliminate apartments for deaf seniors at a housing complex built specifically -- for the deaf.
"I think it's about the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while," said Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., who attempted to negotiate the impasse. "There are a lot of stories of out-of-control regulators, but this just seems to be going to the extreme."
A 2005 federal study found that the U.S. had virtually no affordable housing for the deaf. So the federal government helped build Apache ASL Trails, a 75-unit apartment building in Tempe, Ariz., designed specifically for the deaf. Ninety-percent of the units are currently occupied by deaf and deaf-blind seniors.
But now, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development says Apache ASL Trails violates civil rights law -- because it shows a preference for the hearing-impaired.
"A preference or priority based on a particular diagnosis or disability and excluding others with different disabilities is explicitly prohibited by HUD's Section 504 regulations," says a HUD memo about the project. "There is no legal authority contained in any of Apache Trails funding to permit such a priority or preference."
However, when HUD approved and helped fund the project in 2008, it did so knowing that the property was specifically "designed for seniors who are deaf, hard of hearing and deaf blind."
The National Association for the Deaf has also stepped in, calling HUD's actions "atrocious" and "a tragic irony."
"HUD is forcing deaf and hard of hearing residents to live in isolation and firetraps," said the Association's CEO Howard Rosenblum in a letter to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. "There is no statute or regulation that mandates any 25 percent quota."
State housing director Michael Trailor refuses to comply with the federal orders.
"Quite frankly, the attorneys I dealt with at HUD I would characterize as ignorant and arrogant and much worse, they are powerful," Trailor told Fox News. "And if they worked for me, I would have fired them a long time ago."
State taxpayers and the apartment's developer have spent $500,000 so far fighting HUD. After two years of negotiation, Trailor met with Donovan earlier this year hoping to resolve the dispute.
Trailor said: "He looked me in the eye and said, 'if you say we have taken too long to resolve this, you are right. If you say we haven't handled this very well, you're right. We're committed to solving this -- but to do so can you be patient?'"
Trailor asked "what patience means in terms of time," and was told it would be a matter of weeks.
"It's now been five months," he said.
HUD provided the Arizona Deaf Senior Citizens Coalition and its developer $2.6 million in funds and tax credits to build the complex in 2008. It is now fully occupied, with 69 of the 74 rented to deaf and deaf-blind residents.
(by: William La Jeunesse and Jennifer Girdon
Is this truly our government at work?
It has reached an entire new level of incompetence and arrogance.
October 20, 2013
October 10, 2013
The Worst Ever
America has had some great presidents, many mediocre ones and a few bad ones. But we’ve never had one like Barack Obama.
He’s the first who thinks the job is beneath him.
He’s the first who turns political give-and-take into a crisis by refusing to negotiate with Congress.
He’s the first who thinks the way to more power is to inflict pain on ordinary people.
The move to barricade the World War II memorial reveals the mentality of a tin-pot dictator. The limited government shutdown did not need to affect the memorial because it is open 24 hours, without gates and often without guards.
But to turn public opinion in his favor, Obama’s goons trucked in barricades to keep out World War II vets and other visitors. By one estimate, the barricades and workers cost $100,000.
The same punish-the-people attitude led to shutdowns of other parks and historic sites that get no federal funding.
“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” a Park Service ranger told The Washington Times.
The ranger cited the order to close the parking lot at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon so visitors couldn’t use it.
The cheap trick captured the contrast between a revered president and the current one.
I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama.
He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.
However the shutdown ends, it will bring only a temporary respite from the crisis atmosphere in Washington. When it comes to his countrymen, Obama always chooses conflict over cooperation.
Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter can rest easy.
We have a new worst president.
Michael Goodwin is a Fox News contributor and New York Post columnist
October 07, 2013
Liar, Liar
To whom do I refer?
Who else, the namesake for one of the worst things to ever befall this country, the Affordable Care Act:
Who else, the namesake for one of the worst things to ever befall this country, the Affordable Care Act:
Barack Hussein Obama
By the time ObamaCare is fully implemented, I suspect most Americans will be begging for death panels – to put us out of our misery. -Todd Starnes
This Is Not News
From the author Leonard Downie:
“Whenever I’m asked what is the most manipulative and secretive administration I’ve covered, I always say it’s the one in office now,” Bob Schieffer, CBS News anchor and chief Washington correspondent, told me.
So, Mr. Schieffer, you're saying that the Obama administration is actually the least transparent administration you've covered?
This is not news to anyone who has been paying attention since 2007, when Barack Hussein Obama announced his run for the presidency.
NObama’s claim to deliver “the most transparent administration ever” was a load of political bushwa .
Someone asked what is worse than a closed, control-freak administration?
A media that covers for it.
My favorite comments about this article over on Hot Air:
My favorite comments about this article over on Hot Air:
Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus. Hope and Change. Bush did it! Tea Party people are terrorists. You must pass this bill to find out what’s in it. There is no debt problem. Oceans will recede and the earth will heal.
andG. Washington must be turning over in his grave and the man was brilliant because he was against political parties. If you notice people have become more loyal to their political parties than our nation or they wouldn’t believe such stupid s..t._Herb on October 6, 2013 at 10:34 AM
I hope Downie, Sanger, and Old Man Schieffer have all of their tax and financial data from the last seven years ready, for their upcoming IRS colonoscopies.
_Ward Cleaver on October 7, 2013 at 2:04 PM
Great American, Jr.
There just are not enough kids like this around:
And guess what?
He did it again:
He stopped by the fire department Monday and donated $18.
Good Onya, Maxx!
Greenfield police said a boy walked into the police department Friday and gave the clerk a bag of coins worth about $10.
Police were pleased but puzzled by the anonymous donation, so they spent the weekend looking at surveillance video from the lobby hoping to identify and thank their donor.
On Monday, Assistant Police Chief Paul Schlecht got his man.
WISN 12 News' news partners at Greenfield Patch report that Maxx Siepert's grandfather was a Milwaukee police officer who was killed in the line of duty in 1974.
Siepert said he had just studied the September 11 attacks in school. He said he learned of the great things police and firefighters did and he wanted to give back.
"Happy I did what I did because, one day, that's going to make a difference," he said.
Schlecht said the donation has lifted the spirits of the entire department.
"Officers are dealing with bad situations or difficult situations," he said. "To have someone come in with that act of kindness, it lifts morale."
Siepert said he hopes his donation will encourage others to do the same.
And guess what?
He did it again:
He stopped by the fire department Monday and donated $18.
Good Onya, Maxx!
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