July 15, 2007

Blog Foolery and Patriotism

While roaming around the internet, I happened across a post
on the Daily Kos.

Normally, the rantings of political bigots don't interest me, but this one did because of the subject matter, Title: "No Sirs You Hate the Troops + the Military"

The gist of the original rant was that right wing talk show/radio hosts say they support the troops but in truth hate the military.

Here is my response:

I, Sir, am fed up to the ears with Right wing Nuts, Left Wing Nuts, Moonbats, Conservatives, Liberals, Centrists, the Leftist Liberal media, the Rightist Talk Radio, self-serving politicians, soccer moms at the mall ... and pseudo-intellectual bloggers .... telling me just how much they hate the war but SUPPORT THE TROOPS!

As a Marine wife (1969-1972), a soldier's Mom (1992-1995), and a Marine Mom (since 2005), I want to ask: Just how do YOU, sir, support the Troops?

Have you served in the military?

Do you have a husband / wife / child serving in the military?

Would you encourage your child to serve in the military?

Have you sent a package to a soldier / Marine / airman / sailor overseas?

Have you contributed any money to those organizations which do?

Have you gone to the airport to welcome home returning troops or to see them off?

Have you visited any wounded troops in the hospital?

Have you donated anything to the Wounded Warrior program? Soldiers Angels?
Any similar organization?

Or maybe you just have a sticker on your vehicle that says 'I support the troops?

Or do you, Sir, just write the words "I support the troops" in your blog?

In your own words:
"Any imbecile can purport as such. Supporting the military and the troops is about something a million times more substantive".
That, I agree with.

"Patriotic dissent is a luxury of those protected by better men than they."

(Political Cartoonist: Eric Allie, CNSNewscom)

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