November 08, 2007

Katie Couric: Elitist Defeatist

On Sept 25th, Katie Couric, still pretending to be a reporter, spoke at the National Press Club:

“The whole culture of wearing flags on our lapel and saying ‘we’ when referring to the United States ... was just a little uncomfortable.”
The wearing of flag pins is now a cultural thing?
This makes her 'uncomfortable'?

Is she kidding?
Instead of 'we Americans, what do you say, Ms. Couric? 

You Americans?

I would question Ms Couric's patriotism ... to find if she has any and for what country, because she sure doesn't have any for America.

Greg Gutfield:
"Katie and her ilk are uncomfortable with patriotism because, like religion, it takes the focus off of her. Her kind of patriotism is one of "dissent" and that's the kind our enemies love."
Then Contemptable Couric said on the Charlie Rose Show that she agreed with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on one point:
“Oftentimes Westerners don’t really understand fully the values of this particular culture.”
Oh, I think Monkey-Man has made himself perfectly, revulsively clear ... Death to America.

'That particular culture' wants to destroy our society and culture and they are very happy to kill us to do it.

Too bad Ms Couric doesn't understand that.

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