December 15, 2007

Beat Feet, Bubba

Bill Clinton.
The ex-president who just will not go away or shut up.

Peggy Noonan writes:

"A thought on the presence of Bill Clinton. He is showing up all over in Iowa and New Hampshire, speaking, shaking hands, drawing crowds. But when he speaks, he has a tendency to speak about himself...

...The way it was supposed to work, the logic, was this: People miss Bill. They miss the '90s. They miss the pre-9/11 world. So they'll love seeing him back in the White House. So they'll vote for Hillary. Because she'll bring him. "Two for the price of one."

It appears not to be working. Might it be that they don't miss Bill as much as everyone thought? That they don't actually want Bill back in the White House?"

No, we don't miss the arrogant, inept ass.
No, we don't want the two-for-one, co-president deal.

I do not understand the media's kiss-ass attention they give this political buffoon and general idiot.

Do they not remember back in January 2001 when Bubba took his time leaving the trashed and vandalized White House, when he stalled for hours before boarding Air Force One to leave Washington, apparently reluctant to give up the spotlight?

Do they not remember the rudeness to the White House press and military by the Clintons and their staffers?

Do they not remember the myriad political and personal scandals during the 8 years of the Clinton Follies? The impeachment? Hello?

Go away, Bubba, far, far away.
And shut the hell up.

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