June 30, 2008

As the Stomach Turns

Forget watching television soap operas this summer.

The Dummycrats are providing all the drama, humor and stomach-churning nausea, errr excitement, we can handle.

According to a report in The (London) Telegraph, Bill
Clinton reportedly told close friends Barack Hussein Obama can "kiss my ass" to get his support.

Poor Bubba. What's a temperamental, self-serving, sexually-addicted, ego-maniacal, peter pan man-boy supposed to do now that he is no longer the center of attention?

Should we expect better from a pathological narcissist who has always put his own wants before his country even before he became an ex-president?

Not to mention the embarrassment to his family.


The Obama campaign announced today that Barry and Bubba had a "terrific" 20-minute phone chat and that Obummer asked Bubba to campaign 'with and for him'.

Modern technology notwithstanding, I wonder how Obummer's lips stretched long-distance.

If Obummer thinks that phone call to Bubba makes him look like 'the better man', I think it makes him look like the weak ass-kisser he is.

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