
I just found This: The Obama File
Think you know this guy? ---->
Think again.
Thank you to commenter KathyfromKansas at Gateway Pundit for the link.
Thank you, Beckwith, operator of the site!
ince Harry of England is visiting New York this weekend.
Ed Pilkington of the Guardian notes:
The scale of the PR challenge facing the 24-year-old prince, who has set foot in the US only once before, as a child, has been underlined by advance media coverage.
The New York Daily News noted his "hard-partying ways", Time magazine highlighted his penchant for "long, alcohol-fueled nights" and the Associated Press reminded its subscribers of the apology he had to make for wearing a Nazi swastika at a fancy-dress party.
Mr. Pilkington neglected to mention soldier Prince Harry's combat tour in Afghanistan.
UberPig's excellent response at BlackFive:
Playboy indeed. I think by going to Afghanistan, Prince Harry showed more character than his older brother, or his father, or his sainted mother, or the vast majority of young men from his highly privileged background. Ed Pilkington and the Guardian may think Harry has something left to prove, that Harry needs to establish his estrogen credentials, that Harry needs to start playing ball. Don't rock the boat, Harry. Don't make the rest of your class look bad. Don't make Ed Pilkington's class, which washes the balls of your privileged class, look bad. Get back to the business of being a Prince and acting like your mother and doing charity work and playing polo and driving bio-diesel fueled cars like your father because that makes the Guardian's liberal readers feel all warm inside and less guilty that they aren't making the same kinds of personal sacrifices their service members make in Afghanistan and Iraq every day.
The above was a comment left by David S in response to Phil Kerpen's:
I apologize to the United Nations for America, and for the injustice for which it stands: one fiefdom under Obama, unrecognizable, with authoritarianism and political subjugation for all.
"I'm a doctor, not a physicist!"I am glad the bad guys were the Romulans and not the Klingons. The Klingons are mean but stupid while the Romulans are mean but smart. Loved their nasty-looking ship.
Space... the Final Frontier. These are the continuing voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.were not in the familiar voice of the original
In December 1943, on his first mission as pilot in command, 21-year-old Lt. Charlie Brown's B-17 Flying Fortress (379th Bomber Group, England) was badly damaged by German fighters and flack; he and six of his crew were wounded.
Trying to get back to their base in England, they flew right over a Luftwaffe base in Germany and were intercepted by yet another enemy fighter, a Messerschmitt 109.
The German pilot did not shoot them down but signaled Charlie to land, surrender and be taken prisoner.
Lt. Brown refused two such demands.
The German pilot, recognizing the courage of his fellow airman, did not finish off the crippled bomber, but provided an escort to the coast, pointed a compass heading to England and saluted his adversary.
After the war, Charlie tried to learn the identity of the enemy pilot who had spared him and his crew. He wrote letters of inquiry with no success, until he posted a notice in a newsletter for former Luftwaffe officers.
There was a response from Franz Stigler, a German fighter ace.
It had taken 45 years.
In the first letter Stigler wrote to Brown, he asked, "All these years, I wondered what happened to the B-17. Did she make it or not?"
Yes, she made it. Just barely.
When asked why he didn't shoot them down, Stigler said, “I didn't have the heart to finish those brave men. I flew beside them for a long time. They were trying desperately to get home and I was going to let them do that. I could not have shot at them. It would have been the same as shooting at a man in a parachute.”
Both men died in 2008.
Franz Stigler died 22 March 2008.
Charlie Brown died 24 November 2008.
In a Memorial Day phone call with my sister, she recounted part of a conversation she overheard at work....
"Memorial Day is not a real holiday"...
Is this what the younger generation is being taught in schools these days?
Today's 'social progressive agents' (formerly known as teachers) no longer educate; they indoctrinate.
The military, with its core values of duty, honor and courage, has no place in their agenda except as an entity to deride and denigrate.
Zachary Boyd, 19, of Fort Worth, Texas, was sleeping when the Taliban attacked his unit (Army 1st Bn 26th Infantry) at a base in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.
Spc. Boyd grabbed his weapon, put on his helmet and vest and took his position.
A news photographer recorded the image of Boyd in helmet, body armor, red T-shirt, pink boxers and flip-flops.
Spc Boyd was concerned about losing his job when the photo wound up on the front page of the New York Times.
"I can assure you that Specialist Boyd's job is very safe indeed," Sec Def Robert Gates said.
"Any soldier who goes into battle against the Taliban in pink boxers and flip-flops has a special kind of courage. I can only wonder about the (psychological) impact on the Taliban."
20 May 2009 // Washington, D.C. - Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released a comprehensive list of members of Congress under investigation.
Currently, there are 16 members -- 12 House members and four Senators. The list includes which government entity is investigating the members, what the members are under investigation for, and the status of the investigation.
A few familiar names on the list:
John Murtha (D/PA)
Charles Rangel (D/NY)
Roland Burris (D/IL)
Chris Dodd (D/CT)
Jesse Jackson Jr (D/IL)
H/T: The Jawa Report
"And I don't know about you, but I sleep better at night knowing that a White House aide can scramble F-16s without anybody else knowing about it. This way, if a war breaks out while Obama's teleprompter is unplugged, somebody can still order planes to bomb New York to appease an enemy like at the end of Fail-Safe."
"If you're wondering why the president is in a good mood, it's because he's glad to be finished with his annual physical. During his colonoscopy doctors removed two benign polyps and the White House Press Corps."
"Last evening I took a walk through the cemetery – or as ACORN calls it, a 'recruiting trip.'"
"In closing, I'd like to say thank you to the man who is responsible for all this. I'd like to, but George Soros isn't here tonight. They don't let George and Barack in the same room anymore because the last time they did, Joe Biden got tangled up in the puppet strings."
Thank you, Doug Powers!
Maj. Steven Hutchison, of Scottsdale, Ariz., served in Vietnam (he enlisted at age 19) and wanted to re-enlist immediately after the 9/11 terror attacks, but his wife was against it, his brother said.
Richard Hutchison told The AP on Thursday that when she died (in 2006), "a part of him died" so he signed up in July 2007 at age 59.
"He was very devoted to the service and to his country," Richard Hutchison said.
"A veteran is someone who, at one point in one's life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America', for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." --Author unknown.
"A young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living. Today's military rejects include tomorrow's hard-core unemployed." --John F. Kennedy
"Because as I look around at the state of this nation and see all of the weak little pampered candy-asses that are whining about this or protesting that, I’d be afraid to leave the fate of this nation entirely up to them." -- A US soldier in Iraq stating why he re-enlisted.
"For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know." -- Unknown
It is the Soldier, not the reporter who has given us freedom of press. It is the Soldier, not the poet who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer who gives us freedom to demonstrate. It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and who's coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag. -- Father Dennis Edward O'Brien
"I’m all for everyone expressing their opinion, even those who wear the uniform of the United States Army. But I also hope that military commanders took the soldiers aside after the story and explained to them why it wasn’t for them to disapprove of the American people…A Comment from DonL:
These soldiers should be grateful that the American public, which by all polls overwhelmingly disapproves of the Iraq war and the President’s (Bush) handling of it, do still offer their support to them, and their respect.
We support them in every possible way, and their attitude is that we should in addition roll over and play dead, defer to the military and the generals and let them fight their war, and give up our rights and responsibilities to speak up because they are above society?…
But it is the United States and instead this NBC report is just an ugly reminder of the price we pay for a mercenary - oops sorry, volunteer - force that thinks it is doing the dirty work."
"just returned from my mercenary service in Iraq and I'm trying to adjust to life without obscene amounts of amenities. Thank you Mr. Arkin for helping me put this chapter of my life in perspective.
For those who haven't been, as near as I can tell, the amenities consisted of a 10 X 10 room in a trailer under the flight path of F-16s, a one block walk to the shower and bathroom, a painfully slow internet connection, and a BX that stocked clothing in XXS and XL Short.
Oh...there was the opportunity to work with the most dedicated and honorable people I've ever met."
Really. I can tell you where the outrage is. The outrage is here, in this middle-aged, well-educated, upper-middle class woman. The outrage is here, but I have no representation, no voice. The outrage is here, but no one is listening for who am I?
I am not a billionaire like George Soros that can fund an entire political movement.
I am not a celebrity like Barbra Streisand that can garner the attention of the press to promote political candidates.
I am not a film maker like Michael Moore or Al Gore that can deliver misleading movies to the public.
The outrage is here, but unlike those with money or power, I don't know how to reach those who feel similarly in order to effect change.
Why am I outraged? I am outraged that my country, the United States of America, is in a state of moral and ethical decline.
There is no right or wrong anymore, just what's fair.
Is it fair that millions of Americans who overreached and borrowed more than they could afford are now being bailed out by the government and lending institutions to stave off foreclosure? Why shouldn't these people be made to pay the consequences for their poor judgment?
When my husband and I purchased our home, we were careful to purchase only what we could afford. Believe me, there are much larger, much nicer homes that I would have loved to have purchased. But, taking responsibility for my behavior and my life, I went with the house that we could afford, not the house that we could not afford. The notion of personal responsibility has all but died in our country.
I am outraged that the country that welcomed my mother as an immigrant from Hitler's Nazi Germany and required that she and her family learn English now allows itself to be overrun with illegal immigrants and worse, caters to those illegal immigrants.
I am outraged that my hard-earned taxes help support those here illegally. That the Los Angeles Public School District is in such disarray that I felt it incumbent to send my child to private school, that every time I go to the ATM, I see "do you want to continue in English or Spanish?", that every time I call the bank, the phone company , or similar business, I hear "press 1 for English or press 2 for Spanish". WHY? This is America, our common language is English and attempts to promote a bi- or multi-lingual society are sure to fail and to marginalize those who cannot communicate in English.
I am outraged at our country's weakness in the face of new threats on American traditions from Muslims. Just this week, Tyson's Food negotiated with its union to permit Muslims to have Eid-al-Fitr as a holiday instead of Labor Day. What am I missing? Yes, there is a large Somali Muslim population working at the Tyson's plant in Tennessee. Tennessee, last I checked, is still part of the United States. If Muslims want to live and work here they should be required to live and work by our American Laws and not impose their will on our long history.
In the same week, Random House announced that they had indefinitely delayed the publication of The Jewel of Medina, by Sherry Jones, a book about the life of Mohammed's wife, Aisha due to fear of retribution and violence by Muslims. When did we become a nation ruled by fear of what other immigrant groups want? It makes me so sad to see large corporations cave rather than stand proudly on the principles that built this country.
I am outraged because appeasement has never worked as a political policy, yet appeasing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is exactly what we are trying to do. An excellent article, also published recently in the Wall Street Journal, went through over 20 years of history and why talking with Iran has been and will continue to be ineffective. Yet talk, with a madman no less, we continue to do. Have we so lost our moral compass and its ability to detect evil that we will not go in and destroy Iran's nuclear program? Would we rather wait for another Holocaust for the Jews - one which they would be unlikely to survive? When does it end?
As if the battle for good and evil isn't enough, now come the Environmentalists who are so afraid of global warming that they want to put a Bag tax on grocery bags in California; to eliminate Mylar balloons; to establish something as insidious as the recycle police in San Francisco. I do my share for the environment: I recycle, I use water wisely, I installed an energy efficient air conditioning unit. But when and where does the lunacy stop?
Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map, the California economy is being overrun by illegal immigrants, and the United States of America no longer knows right from wrong, good from evil. So what does California do? Tax grocery bags.
So, America, although I can tell you where the outrage is, this one middle-aged, well-educated, upper middle class woman is powerless to do anything about it. I don't even feel like my vote counts because I am so outnumbered by those who disagree with me.
Alisa Wilson, PhD, Beverly Hills, CA