Let me get this straight:
We've been "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't,
written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it,
declared deficit neutral by a CBO that underestimated Social Security and Medicare costs by about 100 trillion dollars, give or take a few trillion,
passed by a Congress that hasn't read it, but exempts themselves from it,
gaveled into law by a House Speaker who states we have to pass the damn bill to find out what's in it,
signed by a President who smokes,
supported by a first diet guru with a beam like the backside of a battleship,
exclaimed to be a big effin' deal by a VP with a bad plug job,
with funding administered by a Treasury Secretary who doesn't pay his taxes,
to be overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese,
and financed by a country that's broke.
What could possibly go wrong?
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