Enrollment appears to be nosediving in a Michigan school
district where several teachers publicly supported a former colleague
who admitted having sex with a middle school student.
The student body count in the West Branch-Rose City district, in
northeast Michigan is down unofficially some 87 students following a
tumultuous summer in which angry parents blasted seven teachers for
writing letters in support of former teacher Neal Erickson. The letters
urged a judge to be lenient in sentencing Erickson, who admitted to
sexual misconduct with an underage, male student from 2006 to 2009. When
the school board declined to take action against the teachers, many
parents vowed to pull their kids out of the public schools, which have a
total enrollment of just over 2,000.
“I can’t speculate as to why the students have left, but there were
certainly parents who vocalized that they were pulling their children
out of school because of the teacher’s support,” West Branch-Rose City
School Superintendent Daniel Cwayna told FoxNews.com.
“We addressed the
issue as best we could without infringing upon the teacher’s first
amendment rights. There’s only so much we can do.”
Lower enrollment will cost the district under the state's funding
formula. And it could get even worse, if other parents simply opt to
keep their kids home on Sept. 25, when the official headcount is carried
out. The school district stands to lose as much as $600,000 in state
“It’s absolutely appalling, these … teachers who wrote the letters.
How someone can support a child molester … I don’t understand,” Sam
Cottle, a local resident with relatives who work in the school district,
said in an article published by EAGnews
“None of these people have written a letter of support for the mom, dad, or son. What does that tell you?"
> snip
Erickson, 38, was originally investigated last October once
allegations that he sexually molested the then 14-year-old boy surfaced
and was eventually arrested in December 2012.
Erickson pleaded guilty
May 8, and asked for a lenient sentence, citing "stress" and financial
hardship for his family.
Although his attorney contended that the victim, who was 14 years old
when the sexual incidents began, did not suffer severe psychological
damage, the boy's family has said the incident left him depressed and
Parents already angry that a child molester had been employed at
their children's school were even angrier when his colleagues went to
bat for him.
“Neal made a mistake," schoolteacher Sally Campbell wrote in a letter
to the judge. "He allowed a mutual friendship to develop into much
more. He realized his mistake and ended it years before someone
anonymously sent something to the authorities which began this legal
Another teacher, Amy Huber Eagan, wrote, “I am asking that Neal be
given the absolute minimum sentence, considering all the circumstances
surrounding this case. I am also hoping that he can stay remanded to
custody in the Ogemaw County Jail and not be sent to a prison facility.”
Teacher Harriet Coe weighed in with her letter.
“Neal has plead (sic) guilty for his one criminal offense but he is
not a predator,” teacher Harriett Coe wrote. “This was an isolated
incident. He understands the severity of his action and is sincere in
his desire to make amends.”
But on July 10, the judge brushed the letters aside and handed down a
sentence of 15 to 30 years in prison. And he had strong words for
Erickson's colleagues.
“I’m appalled and ashamed that the community could rally around, in
this case, you,” Circuit Court Judge Michael Baumgartner said towards
Erickson during his sentencing. “What you did was a jab in the eye with a
sharp stick to every parent who trusts a teacher.”
Teachers social progressive agents who support a confessed child molesting pedophile over the child and his family should be asked 'what if this had been your child? ... and then removed from the classroom.
A teacher who uses his 'authority' to molest an underage student, or ANY student, should lose his job and his teacher's license immediately if not sooner. Then turned over to the parents for five uninterrupted minutes. Then sent to prison, where his cellmate will be a lusty gorilla-sized neanderthal.
Ms Campbell wrote: "He (Neal Erickson) allowed a mutual friendship to develop into much
more." ...
Pedophilia is NOT mutual friendship.
Ms Coe wrote: ”This was an isolated
An isolated incident is NOT a 3-year time span.
Judge Baumgartner handed down a
sentence of 15 to 30 years in prison.
“What you did was a jab in the eye with a
sharp stick to every parent who trusts a teacher.”
At least the Judge got it right.
I don't blame the parents one bit for getting their kids out of this school district.
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