December 31, 2012

Hypocritical Hypocrites

After the horrific event in Sandy Hook, CT, on December 14th
the National Rifle Association (NRA) president Wayne LaPierre publicly advocated that there be armed security at every school.

DLP  (Dummycrats, Liberals and Progressives) and the liberal MSM said that he was a, "raving lunatic who is just as dangerous as Adam Lanza." 

Apparently, the DLP and MSM have overlooked this:

Barack Hussein Obama's children attend a school where there are 11 armed guards with fully automatic assault rifles:

  Obama's Daughters School Has 11 Armed Guards-Not-Counting-Secret-Service

Yet Obummer remains skeptical/hypocritical:

and is even tasking Vice President Joe Biden with spearheading the effort:

Oh, but wait a minute.

Is this the SAME Joe Biden, gun-owner:

Maybe Obummer should get ex-pres Bubba Clinton involved.

Ummm wait. There could be a conflict of interest there:

By John Nolte:
Today, the same elite media who no doubt send their own kids to private schools that employ armed security, just can't stop howling ridicule at the NRA's idea to give every student in America those same protections. Because the NRA's idea is so appealing, as I write this, the media's going overboard, mocking it as bizarre, crazy, and out of touch.

In their zeal to rampage this left-wing agenda, the media has apparently forgotten that back in 2000, on the one-year anniversary of the Columbine shooting (which occurred with an assault weapons ban in place), President Clinton requested $60 million in federal money to fund a fifth round of funding for a program called "COPS in School," a program that does exactly what the NRA is proposing and the media is currently in overdrive mocking....

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

deceiver, dissembler, pretender, pharisee.
I do believe that Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, Media could be added to the list of synonyms for Hypocrite.

December 30, 2012

My Favorites of 2012

Dental assistant:

 Protest Sign:

Reason to Get in Shape:

LOL picture

MOTO Photo

Political Statement:

December 21, 2012

A Lesson in Irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals."

Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.
This ends today's lesson.

This was forwarded to me, author unknown.

December 20, 2012

How Low Can You Go

For some low-life @ssh*les, pretty damn low:

A Sacramento group that sends out hundreds of Christmas care packages to America's troops serving abroad has fallen victim to a Grinch.

Dec. 17 was the cut-off day for Move America Forward to get 350 care packages to the post office with the guarantee they'd be there by Christmas. As the boxes sat in a trailer Dec. 16, waiting to be shipped the next day, some Christmas ne'er do well broke the trailer's lock and stole 25 of the packages, all of them intended for soldiers in Afghanistan.
Scott Raab, outreach coordinator for Move America Forward, said the contents of the boxes were probably worth around $5,000, but the cost isn't the issue. The care packages were intended to give soldiers a reminder of the comforts of home, he said. And, since the boxes were all individually addressed, there will be 25 soldiers going without this year.
"We pack pretty much everything in there," Raab told, "deodorant, coffee, candy. But also notes from school kids here at home thanking them for their service, Christmas cards, everything we can."

Raab, who is himself a veteran of the U.S. Navy, said the packages really mean a lot to soldiers serving overseas who miss the creature comforts we take for granted at home.

"This can mean the whole world to these troops. We send packages year-round, but during the holidays it's even more special. And we get some of the packages out to specific soldiers whose family is not able, for whatever reason, to send them anything."

The packages were all clearly marked for military personnel and contain literature about Move America Forward, Raab said, so whoever the culprit is knows precisely who they've stolen from.

Raab is working with various organizations and accepting donations through to replace the stolen items and help ensure the soldiers whose packages were stolen get their Christmas gifts, even if they are a few days late.

Though disappointed, Raab said he remains confident his organization will get all the losses covered.

"These people are the definition of a Grinch," he said, "it is disheartening for those of us who worked so hard to get all these Christmas packages together. But we've had an overwhelming response from people wanting to help out and it just shows how much support there is out there for our troops."
  Alex comments:  If you find the thieves send them to Afghanistan for a tour.

Right on.


2012 Apocalypse

December 18, 2012

Holiday Gift Ideas

Are you stuck on gift-giving ideas this year?
Here are some ideas:
Here is the Updated version:
A Great idea for those who work in places with shared fridges:

(alas, they are out-of-stock!)

 Knife Block (enough said):

For the kid who has everything:

 Cosmetic Accessories:
The Brush Holder
   and the Cotton Ball Holder

 And the Absolute Ultimate:


 No, I haven't actually purchased any of these (yet).
But I am fortunate to have friends and relatives who would appreciate the thought!

December 17, 2012

Charlie Crist: R / I / D

Charlie Crist, former politician, former governor, former U.S. Senate candidate, former Republican, former Independent, is now a Dummycrat.

Charlie quit his job as Governor of Florida after serving one term to run for the U.S. Senate as a Republican.
When he didn't win the primary, he ran as an Independent. 
That didn't work either.

But now Charlie is officially a Dummycrat and the expectation is that he will run for governor in 2014. And he just might take the job away from Rick Scott, whose favorability ratings have remained low since taking office.

And he does have 'friends' in high places: Charlie spoke at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, that nominated Barack Hussein Obama for a second term and campaigned for his re-election.
And some folks would vote for Charlie because Obummer says so.

What comes after Republican / Independent / Dummycrat... you know, in case this doesn't work either?  The R/I/D party?  Now there's an idea.  Let's R/I/D ourselves of multiple political parties.  And fickle politicians. 

"Charlie Crist's first official act as a Democrat was to tell a lie about why he is now pretending to be one," the Florida GOP said in a statement early Saturday. "The truth is that this self-professed, Ronald-Reagan Republican only abandoned his pro-life, pro-gun, conservative principles in 2010 after he realized that Republicans didn't want to send him to Washington D.C. as a senator, especially after he proved he couldn't do the job as governor."

Word For the Day: Purported

Purported:   claim to be something

I'm not all surprised about this:

Hillary Clinton will not testify before congress on Libya - purported concussion cited

How fortuitous : happening by chance, especially giving rise to a fortunate outcome

December 12, 2012

12 / 12/ 12

This is the 12th day of the 12th month of the 12th year of the current century.

Nothing special, just kinda neat!

Thought for the Day:

December 10, 2012

December 07, 2012

December 7, 1941

I wonder if any of today's school children understand the significance of this date?

I wouldn't be surprised if they would answer, yes, it's Friday!

Try these search words: December 7th, Pearl Harbor, Date of Infamy, USS Arizona, USS Shaw, World War II

December 06, 2012

Apocalypse 2016?

Apparently I am not the only one who believes  Hillary Clinton will make another run for POTUS in 2016:


 Hillary Clinton IS running President 2016

 Perhaps the biggest indicator:

 Despite her denials that she intends doing so:

Hillary Clinton: Not Running

Hillary Denies Running for Presidency in 2016

I used to say ...  

... but you see what THAT got us!