August 30, 2007

D is for Disenfranchisement ...

... And Democratic Donkey Dung

The Democratic National Committee has decreed that Florida Democrats will not have a vote in selecting a Democratic presidential nominee unless the state of Florida toes the DNC's line and changes the date of the state primary.

The DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee voted that Florida’s plan is non-compliant with party rules, and gave the state 30 days to fix it. Otherwise, the state will lose 100 percent of its delegates.

Florida Senator Bill Nelson said that the issue would be "whether or not a political party's rules can supersede someone's right to vote and to have that vote count."

Members of Florida's congressional delegation sent a letter to DNC Chair Howard "Yeaaaa" Dean and threatened legal action if their voters were "disenfranchised."

The DNC rules committee was unmoved by the "disenfranchisement" argument. They also want to send a message to Michigan which is on the verge of passing a law moving that state's primary to January 15th, further complicating the primary calendar.

That's a fancy word for saying 'your vote doesn't count'.

So much for democracy.

(Political cartoon by Scott Stantis)

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