August 29, 2007

A Perfect Storm

August 29, 2007

Two years ago today Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast.

Not just New Orleans, although Mayor Ray Nagin and the residents of the Big Easy would have us believe that.

Here's what I remember from watching the news two years ago:

There was adequate warning that a hurricane was coming.

There was a mandatory evacuation order.

The Democrat Governor said the state of Louisiana was prepared.

The Democrat Mayor of New Orleans said the city was prepared.
New Orleans was the only city affected by the hurricane.

Mississippi is reported to have a tree blown down.

New Orleans has no white people.

The hurricane destroyed only black families' property.

If you're a New Orleans police officer, leave your post and loot the Wal-Mart.

When you are hungry after a hurricane, steal a big screen TV.

Only black family members got separated in the rescue efforts.

Ignore warnings to evacuate and somebody else will risk their life to come get you.

Don't thank those that came to help rescue you, shoot at them instead.

Trash the place that is your refuge.

Bitch because the government hasn't given you a debit card yet. And it isn't enough anyway.

Everything was Bush's fault even though the idiot Governor and idiot Mayor told everyone that they were prepared.

Don't help yourself when somebody else will do it for you.

Do help yourself to whatever you can get, lawfully or otherwise.

People think we should be ashamed.

I am ashamed ... of the police officers who left their posts and did not return,  of the police officers who were pushing shopping carts alongside the other looters, of the people who took their $2000 debit cards and bought $800 handbags, of the stupidity and greed and finger-pointing, and most of all, I'm ashamed of all those who are unwilling to do something for themselves, to get over it and get on with it.

Rep. Tom Tancredo (R/CO), citing administration figures, said that $114 billion has been spent on the effort to rebuild a large stretch of the Gulf Coast after the Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in August 2005.
"It is time the taxpayer gravy train left the New Orleans station. The amount of money that has been wasted on these so-called ‘recovery’ efforts has been mind-boggling. Enough is enough.
“At some point, state and local officials and individuals have got to step up to the plate and take some initiative. The mentality that people can wait around indefinitely for the federal taxpayer to solve all their worldly problems has got to come to an end.”

The lawmaker criticized in particular the amount that has been wasted through fraud and abuse, estimated at $1 billion.
“This whole fiasco has been a perfect storm of corruption and incompetence at all levels.”
My tax money should not pay to rebuild a house, a sports stadium or a floating casino.

My tax money shouldn't go to rebuild a city that is below sea level. 
If you want to live below sea level, join the Navy.

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