September 08, 2007

We're Kicking Ass ... Our Own

When president Bush was recently asked about Iraq, he told the Australian Deputy Prime Minister, "We're kicking ass".

Not only the enemy's ass, but apparently our own as well...

Phil Brennan of NewsMax reports that the Thomas More Law Center charged today that The Secretary of the Navy has punished three top combat officers for reasons of political expediency.
"Despite the exoneration of Marines actually involved in "kicking the enemy's ass" in the fighting in Haditha on November 19, 2005, three senior Marine officers -- Maj.Gen. Richard Huck , Col. Robert Sokoloski, and Col. Stephen Davis -- have been administratively censured by the Secretary of the Navy for their involvement in the Haditha events."
According to Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center,
“The Secretary of the Navy has sacrificed three senior, combat-experienced warriors on the altar of political expediency to appease anti-war politicians and the liberal media. These Marines, who have dedicated their lives in defense of our country, deserve better. It’s insanity; it will turn combat commanders into ‘paper pushers’ and will have far-reaching deleterious effect on the fighting spirit of Marines on the ground.”
Brian Rooney, an attorney at the Law Center and a former Marine officer and veteran of the bitter combat in the second battle of Fallujah:
"These men all concluded that a formal investigation was not required. However, it is odd that the Marine Corps has decided to publicly censure these good men who have dedicated their lives to the service of their Corps and country when the recent Article 32 facts are turning out to be what these men on the ground believed them to be — a hard fought battle — not a massacre. The Secretary of the Navy is essentially censuring these men for not investigating a crime that never occurred.”
The decision to launch a criminal investigation of the November 19, 2005 Haditha incident was made three months after its occurrence as a result of a Time Magazine news lead, which military commanders in the field knew was instigated by terrorist propaganda.

The Law Center noted that the censure letters, do confirm that there was no ‘cover-up’ by any of the officers involved.

Added Thompson,
“This action is especially inappropriate considering Staff Sgt. Wuterich is in the middle of his Article 32 Hearing. We have always said that the Marines acted appropriately on November 19th — within the rules of engagement. Cpl. Sharrat has been officially exonerated, Cpl. Tatum has basically been as well, and Capt. Stone, too. The question must be asked: 'Why, now that the facts are coming out in favor of the Marines, has this action been taken?'”
Why indeed?

It's time for politicians and anti-military liberals to realize that we cannot win a politically correct war.

It's time for our troops to be allowed to do what they have been trained to do, "Kick the Enemy's ass" !!

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