March 22, 2008

Hillary's Fantastical Adventure

Fantastical: conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy; so extreme as to challenge belief
"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."
--Hillary Clinton, speech at GW University, March 17, 2008.

The Washington Post does not remember it that way and here's the picture of the greeting ceremony that Hillary claims didn't happened:

The Post reporter:
"Had Hillary Clinton’s plane come “under sniper fire” in March 1996, we would certainly have heard about it long before now. Numerous reporters, including the Washington Post’s John Pomfret, covered her trip. A review of nearly 100 news accounts of her visit shows that not a single newspaper or television station reported any security threat to the First Lady. …

Far from running to an airport building with their heads down, Clinton and her party were greeted on the tarmac by smiling U.S. and Bosnian officials. An eight-year-old Moslem girl, Emina Bicakcic, read a poem in English. An Associated Press photograph of the greeting ceremony, above, shows a smiling Clinton bending down to receive a kiss.

According to Sinbad, who provided entertainment on the trip along with the singer Sheryl Crow, the "scariest" part was deciding where to eat. Sinbad questioned the premise behind the Clinton version of events. "What kind of president would say 'Hey man, I can't go 'cause I might get shot so I'm going to send my wife (and daughter). Oh, and take a guitar player and a comedian with you."

Replying to Sinbad earlier this week, Clinton dismissed him as 'a comedian'.

Clinton made no mention of "sniper fire" in her autobiography "Living History"."

I think it's obvious that the truth-teller here is the Comedian and not the Lying Clown running for POTUS.

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