From Robbie at UrbanGrounds:Sorry, Mr Obummer, but when Ms Obummer spouts such crapola as:"And now we’re not allowed to talk about his white-folk and America hatin’ wife, Michelle."
- We’re not allowed to call him Hussein — even though it’s his Allah-given name.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his father.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his mother, or his grandmother either.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his Kenyan cousin.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his terrorist friends.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his shady real-estate dealings.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his ties to the Nation of Islam.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his (lack of) patriotism.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his prior drug use.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his Muslim upbringing in Indonesia.
- We’re not allowed to talk about the radical Islamic terrorists who support his candidacy.
- We’re not allowed to talk about his white-folk and America hatin’ reverend.
"I wake up every morning wondering how on earth I am going to pull off that next minor miracle to get through the day."
... your arrogant, bigoted, bitter-half must expect a reaction from the Little People.
You know the ones.
They are those of us who get through everyday just fine without a 'minor miracle' even though we are not Princeton and Harvard Law-educated millionaires, who do not live in $1.6 million dollar homes, who do not have million-dollar salaries or book deals.
Sorry Mr Obummer, but when folks like Ms Obummer and MiniMe Hillary (aka Chelsea) engage in public campaigning, they become fair game.
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