NOTE: This is NOT about RACE.
And I shouldn't have to say that, but I do.

Presidential candidate ... not President ... Barack Hussein Obama has again shown his true colors and they are not red, white and blue.
In the recent brouhaha -hahaha- over his Obamessiah's canceled visit to wounded American troops at Landstuhl Military Hospital in Germany, it has been noted that the Pentagon's policy does not allow military facilities to be used as a campaign backdrop.
That means no campaign staffers and no campaign photographers.
Which means no photo opportunities, except that by military photographers.
And apparently it means no Barack Hussein Obama.
Robert Gibbs, Obummer campaign spokesman, told reporters Barky had planned for weeks to visit Landstuhl and had would have left most staff and all the reporters behind to avoid appearances of a campaign event (stunt), and that Obummer
"decided out of respect for these servicemen and women that it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign."Meanwhile, at the Pentagon, spokesman Bryan Whitman said:
"The Pentagon certainly did not tell the senator he could not visit Landstuhl."

Because it would have been seen as a campaign event (stunt).
Of course it would have been a campaign event (stunt).
When has Barky visited the troops anywhere at any other time?
Once in 2006 (2-day CODEL trip to Iraq).
How about about Walter Reed or Bethesda military Hospitals?
Ummm, never?
This entire Euroblitztrip is nothing but a campaign event (stunt).
So how did the Obamessiah use that suddenly available time?
He went shopping.
And now the O-Campaign is citing (blaming) the Pentagon in a pathetic effort to spin rightly-deserved backlash away from the Obamessiah.
Note to anyone who would be Commander-in-Chief:
It is never inappropriate to visit our military men and women, wounded or otherwise.
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