October 31, 2008

White Guilt, Black Racism & Obama

Another blogger whose way with words is far superior to mine:

... I'll ask the question: Should Obama get a free pass on judgments in character matters BECAUSE he has black skin?

The answer is NO. He who would be president of the United States must walk the gauntlet all others have walked - bloodied and unbowed - before him.

Affirmative action does not rea
ch as far as the presidency...


Should Obama not be crowned the president, his wife will say, "The ugly white man did it."

But she will be wrong; she will have no farther to look for the cause of his defeat than to herself, to Jeremiah Wright, to William Ayers, and to Tony Rezko along with Louis Farrakhan and most prominently, she must face the ugly truth that his defeat will have been brought about by Obama himself.

It is time for white Americans to get over the spoons full of "white guilt" that have been the gruel served cold to us since our infancy for acts of slavery perpetrated upon black Africans by Muslims, black African chieftains, Dutch slave tra
ders and others.

America ended slavery in the South in the 1860s. Over 500,000 of us died in a matter of States' Rights on trade couched as a "war against slavery", another lie.

However, no black person in America today has been a slave and no white American has owned a black slave.
(emphasis mine)

More white Americans are living in poverty than black Americans and black Americans have more opportunities than any other Americans living today.

Black Americans who fixate on Black Liberation Theology - racist by any standard, as is Kwanzaa - simply perpetuate the ideas of separatism and entrench black racism.

[No comments about the black experience in mean old America today in 2008 will be published. I'm sick of listening to that "dead horse" that is poisoning our youth.]

No, if Obama is defeated in his campaign for the presidency, he must understand that the "buck stops" with him and his words and actions.

White America has bent over backwards to give him the presidency, and I mean "give." It's time for him to earn the presidency the hard way and it's time for us to clean our guns and get back to our Bible study.

If he is elected president of the United States, then the pressure will be on to see if he can stand the heat in the crucible of that office. We already know he will set out the welcome mat for the very Islamic terrorists who continue to kill across the globe today.

If Dems want to get behind a cause, why not put "global warming" on the back burner, and fight Islamic terrorism instead of putting on a silk scarf as Nancy Pelosi did and sitting down to tea?

It is one thing to sit down to talk with people with whom you can reason; it is a fool's errand to sit down with folks who really, really want to kill you and say so...

October 30, 2008

A Guy Named Joe

From an on-line newsgroup:
Let's See ---- A Guy named Joe, who happens to be a plumber with ambitions for a bigger business, questioned and challenged a Guy named Barack, who happens to be running for President of the USA/Leader of the Free World.

And within 24 hours the Media has given us more information about Joe's life than they've given us about Barack's life in the past 18 months.

Thanks to a diligent press corps, we now know about Joe's professional licensing status, his income tax situation, his employment history, his domestic squabbles, his voting record, everything associated with his personal identity; his education.

It's probably been reported somewhere whether he wears boxers or briefs.

      Thanks to a lazy press corps we still don't know: what grades Obama made in college; how he got into Harvard; when he met Bill "the bomber" Ayers; when he stopped doing illegal drugs; his medical history; whether he still smokes cigarettes; the extent of his affiliation with socialist/communist organizations; why he's no longer a licensed attorney; whether he'd qualify for a security clearance if he were just an "average Joe"; what passport he used to travel to Pakistan in 1981; whether he was or still is an Indonesian citizen; why his Kenyan grandmother insists he was born there; whether he was ever legally named Barry Soetoro or anything else besides Barack Hussein Obama; why he needed the help of a crook to purchase his family home; where he was on Nov. 6 and 7, 1999; what the long-version of his birth certificate says; why he helped an anti-American, pro-Islamic candidate for Kenyan President against US interests; why he listened to Rev. Wright's sermons for 20 years; how many times he took his kids to a Rev. Wright sermon; what he actually did as chair of the Annenberg Challenge; the depth of his relationship with ACORN.  

Well, you get the idea. But, really, I am SO relieved that the Mainstream Media has done its job vetting Joe The Plumber, who is NOT running for public office, but who had the AUDACITY to challenge Barack Hussein Obama, who wants my vote for President of the United States of America."  

General Nuisance 

 > NF: The General left out the question about the extent of Obummer's association with Louis Farrakhan, who not only endorses Obama, but refers to him as "Messiah". <

October 29, 2008

Fallen Hero: Spec. Stephen Fortunado

H/T to
Wake Up America

This was a blog entry on Army Specialist Stephen Fortunato's blog, dated Aug. 30, 2008, and was sent to the Boston Globe by his mother, Elizabeth "Betty" Crawford.

From Boston Globe:
If I may … I'd like to say something....Just to get it out there so it is clear. To all the pampered and protected Americans who feel it is their duty to inform me that I am not fighting for their freedom, and that i am a pawn in Bush's agenda of greed and oil acquisition: Noted, and [expletive deleted] You.

I am not a robot. i am not blind or ignorant to the state of the world or the implications of the "war on terrorism." i know that our leaders have made mistakes in the handling of a very sensitive situation, but do not for one second think that you can make me lose faith in what we, meaning America's sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers in uniform are doing. I am doing my part in fighting a very real enemy of the United States, i.e. Taliban, Al Qaida, and various other radical sects of Islam that have declared war on our way of life. Unless you believe the events of 9/11 were the result of a government conspiracy, which by the way would make you a MORON, there is no reasonable argument you can make against there being a true and dangerous threat that needs to be dealt with. i don't care if there are corporations leaching off the war effort to make money, and i don't care if you don't think our freedom within America's borders is actually at stake. i just want to kill those who would harm my family and friends. it is that simple. Even if this is just a war for profit or to assert America's power, so what? Someone has to be on top and I want it to be us. There's nothing wrong with wishing prosperity for your side.

I am a proud American. i believe that my country allows me to live my life more or less however i want to, and believe me, i have seen what the alternative of that looks like. i also believe that our big scary government does way more than it has to to help complete [expletive deleted]-ups get back on their feet, a stark comparison to places where leaders just line their own pockets with gold while allowing the people who gave them their power and privilege to starve.

I have chosen my corner. I back my country, and am proud to defend it against aggressors. Also, if you dare accuse us of being inhumane, or overly aggressive because we have rolled into someone else's country and blown some [expletive deleted] up and shot some people, let me remind you of just how inhumane we COULD be in defending ourselves. Let me remind you that we have a warhead that drops multiple bomblets from the stratosphere which upon impact, would turn all the sand in Iraq to glass, and reduce every living thing there to dust. Do we use it? No. Instead we use the most humane weapon ever devised: the American soldier. We send our bravest (and perhaps admitably craziest) men and women into enemy territory, into harms way, to root out those whom we are after and do our best to leave innocent lives unscathed.

... One last thing...a proposal. i know it has been stated time and time again but i just think it is worthy of reiteration. If you find yourself completely disgusted with the way America is being ran, and how we handle things on the global stage, you can leave. Isn't that amazing? No one will stop you! If you are an anarchist, there are places you can go where there is no government to tell you anything. That's right...you are left solely to your own devices and you can handle the men who show up at your door with AKs in any way that you see fit. Just don't try good old American debate tactics on them because you will most likely end up bound and blind-folded, to have your head chopped off on the internet so your parents can see it. However if you insist on staying here and taking advantage of privilages such as free speach and WIC, keep the counter-productive [expletive deleted] to a minimum while the grown ups figure out how to handle this god-awful mess in the middle east.

Spec. Fortunado was killed October 14th with two other soldiers when their vehicle struck an IED in Afghanistan.

He was 25 years old.

Requiescat In Pace, Soldier

October 28, 2008

Fallen Hero: Cpl Justin Cooper

Marine Cpl. Justin Cooper of Eupora, Mississippi, was killed in combat in Afghanistan on May 18, 2008. He was 22 years old.

Cpl. Cooper’s father, Alan Cooper, said he was told by Marine officials that his son died after he was shot in the chest, just above his body armor, during a fire fight.

Being a Marine was something Cooper had always dreamed about, his father said.

After he graduated from Eupora High School in 2004, Justin Cooper attended Holmes Community College for one semester before enlisting in the Marines.

It was Christmas Eve when he told his father he was going to be a Marine.

He served two tours in Iraq, rising quickly through the ranks. Alan Cooper said he was told his son was one of the best scout snipers the Marines had seen in decades.

Requiescat In Pace, Marine

Mocking Michelle

Pat Buchanan asks, "What if SNL mocked Michelle Obama?" 

 Well, the answer is easy.

They won't because: 

# 1 she's married to the Obamessiah, therefore Untouchable. 

# 2 there would be a huge outcry from the Looney Left about hate crimes

# 3 it would violate the media double standard. 

 # 4 there's nothing funny about her.

October 27, 2008

Dogs of War: Cooper

From Army Times:

The first military working dog team killed in action together since the beginning of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were laid to rest together July 18, 2007.

Cpl. Kory D. Wiens, 20, of the 94th Mine Dog
Detachment, 5th Engineer Battalion, 1st Engineer Brigade of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and his partner, Cooper, a Labrador Retriever, were killed July 6 by an IED while on patrol in Muhammad Sath, Iraq.

The cremated remains of Kory and Cooper were buried together in Wiens’ hometown of Dallas, OR, at the request of his family.

Hans Freimarck, the military working dog coordinator for the Army Dog Program said he didn’t know the last time a canine team was killed together, but Wiens and Cooper were the first for operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.

Requietum En Pacem, Soldiers

Vote For Josh!!

Highlights from
Joel Mowbray's post at Townhall:

"When Josh Mandel got a call from the Marines last year asking him to return voluntarily to Iraq, he had much more to contemplate than when he first enlisted in 2000. He had just been elected to the Ohio state legislature. 
He ultimately decided to serve a second tour in Iraq in Iraq “because I didn’t join the Marine Corps to say no when my country called,” Mr. Mandel explains.

... Now he has been forced to deal with the politics of that decision. The opponent in his tough re-election fight, trial attorney Bob Belovich, is attacking Mr. Mandel’s service, arguing that he abandoned voters.

Mr. Belovich’s wife, Barbara, acknowledged in an interview for this column that she has told voters that Mr. Mandel “went AWOL” by fighting in Iraq.

> NF: I find it interesting that when Hilary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama left their Senate seats empty for two years to pursue personal political ambition they were not accused of being AWOL. <

... Even Mr. Mandel’s motives for serving in Iraq are being questioned. Mrs. Belovich claimed in an interview with this columnist that Mandel “put his personal ambitions ahead of his constituents.” Asked why anyone would enter a war zone out of “personal ambition,” Barbara Belovich replied curtly, “Certainly he wasn’t serving our needs.”

> NF: No, Mrs. Belobitch, he was serving his country's needs. <

       ... Ohio Democrats targeted him from the beginning, because at just 31 years old, he is seen as a top up-and-comer. Progressive Majority, a moveon.org-affiliated political action committee that focuses on local races, has made defeating Mr. Mandel a top priority...

... "As for the attacks on his decision to return to Iraq, Mr. Mandel says, “If they want to take shots at me, I can defend myself. But what they’re saying comes awfully close to degrading the sacrifices of our young men and women over there now.”

NF: You are wrong, Josh.
The Belovich's do not come close to degrading the military and the sacrifices made, they DO degrade the military. <

... The obvious implication is that by serving in Iraq, Mr. Mandel was a do-nothing legislator. Yet he was one of the two people who lead the successful fight to force Ohio’s multi-billion dollar pension funds to divest from companies doing energy-related business in Iran and Sudan. Pension fund managers agreed to start divesting when legislation co-sponsored by Mr. Mandel and Rep. Shannon Jones was poised for passage."

Mr. and Mrs. Belovich are two of the most unpatriotic, scum-sucking, bottom-feeding, low-life, political wanna-be's that I have ever read about. 
Even for unpatriotic scum-sucking, bottom-feeding, low-life Democrats.

H/T : Gateway Pundit

October 26, 2008

Code PINK-o Retreats

Code PINK-o is leaving Berkeley.

And the United States Marine Corps Recruiting Station is staying.

Don't miss the moving sale
for Code PINK-o memorabilia and tschotkes.

Thanks to Protest Shooter for the info and pics.

H/T to Michelle Malkin.

October 24, 2008

He Is John Galt

John Galt is a character in Ayn Rand's classic novel Atlas Shrugged.

This John Galt is Keith Arnold, September 24, 2008:

"I have had it up to my eyeballs with the ever-growing government, the nanny-state, the collectivism, the whole world demanding more and more from the producers. I am done with the corrupt politicians, the slackers, the deadbeats, and all the looters and moochers.

I am sick of a government which has drifted from its early Constitutional foundation of limited central government and great individual freedom, and become a bloated behemoth consuming 40 percent of our economy and hungry for more. I am finished with out-of-control political correctness and its attendant thought police outlawing truth in order to cater to those who would destroy us.


Whether the world around me likes it or not, I will put my foot down and insist on personal responsibility and accountability. I will tell my government to take its hands off my rights, my freedom, and my wallet. If the people of other nations are content to allow their countries to devolve into Hell, that's their business. I'm sick of financing their destruction. They can plunge into chaos on their own dime.

As for my own, I will be a call for my government to return to doing those things which are right for a legitimate government to do - to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. Not to regulate the price of milk, meddle with the mortgage market, bail out failing companies, or tell me how to raise my children.


And I have a pulpit. I may not be able to stop the motor of the world, but I will stomp on the brake, and I will fight for control of the steering wheel before the motor seizes up on its own - and believe me, that motor is on its way to seizing up.

I will give Caesar his due, but I will not bow to him.

I am John Galt. Come and join me, or come and get me. Here I stand."

I believe Ms. Rand would approve.

October 20, 2008

Let's Get Pertinent

I was working on a post about how Joe Wurzelbacher aka Joe-the-Plumber was being used by the MSM and the Dummycrats to divert attention from Obama's revelation that he wants to "spread the wealth around".

But then I read Rachel Lucas' post

which put my puny words to shame. I cannot improve on this:

"First, Ace of Spades asks a very pertinent question: why not “vet” all the “journalists” just like they’ve “vetted” Joe the plumber? No seriously. Why not? Why not put all their tax, voting, divorce, and personal information all over the internet?

I suppose the answer is that “journalists” don’t actually ASK IMPORTANT QUESTIONS like Joe the plumber did. They don’t get Obama to say what he really thinks like Joe the plumber did.

Assholes. I mean it. Anyone who has published anything shitty about this individual is an ASSHOLE. Joe Wurzelbacher has nothing to do with anything and yet you’re crucifying the guy instead of asking important, meaningful questions about the Democrat candidate for president. Worthless punks. You know it’s true. WORTHLESS."
H/T: Robbie at Urban Grounds

October 14, 2008

The Temple of the Goracle

I happened upon a new website today:

an homage (NOT) to the Ignobel prize-winning, faux-documentary-making, global-warming hypocrite Al Gore, known as The Goracle to his cultified mindless minions (Gorebiciles?).

Aren't we just so glad that The Goracle invented the Internet?

October 13, 2008

How Do You Spell Socialism?


Barack Hussein Obama's true color is beginning to come through ...

On camera at a campaign stop in Ohio, a plumber asked, "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?"

Barky responded:
"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
Spread the wealth around ...

Taking from the rich, the almost-rich, and well, anybody who is actually contributing something to this country and giving it to those who have sat around for generations taking and complaining that it is not enough while breeding more generations of takers and complainers ... and to those who are not even citizens of this country but want their share, too.

"This is nothing more than the core philosophy of the welfare state.
It is also the core principle of socialism."
Joseph Hornberger

October 11, 2008


... that's how many times this man -->

has registered to vote in Ohio

thanks to ACORN.


H/T to The Jawa Report

October 01, 2008

Al Gore's New Low

Al Gore, the man whose previous LOWS included:

_ trying to
disenfranchise the military vote in 2000;

_ refusing to concede the 2000 election, throwing the entire country into turmoil, causing a rift that has since widened into a chasm;

_ exercising an incredible amount of
hypocrisy while preaching energy conservation and carbon footprint bullshit;

is NOW urging


"When the [Duval County, FL] canvassing board announced that the ballots of 149 soldiers, sailors, and airmen had been disqualified, a pair of jubilant Gore lawyers exchanged high-fives.

A Republican, visibly shaken by this sight, demanded to know how they could celebrate the disenfranchisement of U.S. military members risking their lives around the world.

One of the Gore lawyers glibly replied, "A win's a win."

"At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election", Bill Sammon