Barack Hussein Obama did not once mention the two soldiers shot at an Arkansas recruiting station - one killed, one wounded.
Nor did he offer condolences to the family of the murdered soldier.
Was it because he didn't want to call attention to the shooter, an anti-military Muslim convert?
Was it because he really doesn't give a rat's ass about the military?
Commenter Happyscrapper at Michelle Malkin nails it:
Obama’s true feelings and agenda are becoming clearer every passing hour.
He is Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces, yet feels the murder of an abortion doctor is more tragic and more worthy of his condolences than the murder of a soldier.
Now, he is over kissing the a$$ of the Saudi King. Next, on to Egypt to spout off about his Muslim roots.
Interesting that no one heard about those “roots” when he was campaigning for Pres. In fact, his opponent, Juan McAmnesty, forbid anyone to even mention that Obama’s middle name was Hussein!
Everything was covered up by the complicit MSM… his associations, his Muslim background, his socialist agenda… everything. And now we are stuck with him. Chicago thug, black supremacist, socialist, Muslim, America-basher, and our president. It doesn’t get any sicker than that.

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