John McCain - 26 years
Barack Hussein Obama - 143 days* (actual working days)
*less than 1 full term
John McCain - 22 years
Barack Hussein Obama - 0

All charges against USMC Sgt John Winnick II have been dismissed with prejudice.
Never heard of him?
The anti-military MSM was surprisingly quiet about this.
Sgt John Winnick II is a Marine sniper who had been charged with two counts of voluntary manslaughter for performing ... during combat ops ... the job he was trained and sent to Iraq to do ... on one of his four deployments.
The story can be found here.
Semper Fi, Sergeant.
"decided out of respect for these servicemen and women that it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign."Meanwhile, at the Pentagon, spokesman Bryan Whitman said:
"The Pentagon certainly did not tell the senator he could not visit Landstuhl."
"The message here is that thousands of screaming German fans at the Tiergarten take precedence over visiting Americans serving their country at Ramstein and Landstuhl. Maybe one of the networks following Obama could interview a few of the soldiers about how they perceive that set of priorities from Obama." - Ed MorrisseyNote to the Junior Senator from Illinois:
Almost anyone can run for POTUS. There are certain criteria which must be met, but apparently being experienced is not on that list.
Granted, he accomplished something no one thought possible ... he derailed (for the moment) the seemingly inexorable march of Hillary, aka the Hildabeast, to the White House.
Let's just check Barky Obummer's Senate bio. Hmmm.
8 years in the Illinois state Senate.
Less than a full-term in the U.S. Senate.
And if you calculate the actual number of days he has worked in Washington, it's less than 200 days.
So now, in an effort to bolster ... no, wait.
That's the wrong word. In an effort to create some foreign policy credentials, Barky has lately been running around the Middle East and Europe, providing glorious photo-ops for the adoring, slobbering press. Barky has, just this week, been seen 'meeting' with American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, which he has never been bothered to do before now; He elated the Jews and pissed off the Arabs with his remark about a united Jerusalem, then back-tracked saying he meant something else; pissing off everybody.
And just today in a Berlin speech, he says:
"Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen..."Uh, huh. Robbie Cooper at UrbanGrounds has a great take on that:
"You are most definitely there as a Presidential candidate.
“Private citizens” don’t fill up an airplane with all of their media buddies and sycophants and go sight seeing around the globe talking about “when I’m Commander in Chief” and a host of other political issues and topics…
Barry really does believe he is already the President of the United States. And, by God (or Allah, if you will), he wants the rest of the world to know it too.
He then went on to play the race card in his very next statement — claiming that many other “citizens” of our nation have come and stood before you. But that none of them “looked like me.”
> Obama's exact words were: "I know that I don't look like the Americans who've previously spoken in this great city." NF <
"Yeah, we get it Barry. You’re half black."
Which he won't let us forget.
And inexperienced, which he doesn't want us to remember.
Hilarious satire by Aussies John Clarke and Bryan Dawe
h/t to Robbie Cooper at Urban Grounds
So they did And so they will.
I won't be watching the travesty of historical revisionism you plan to air tonight - "The War of the World: A New History of the 20th Century," based on Niall Ferguson's book "The War of the World: Twentieth Century Conflict and the Descent of the West".
You see, revulsion to revisionist history runs in the family.
My (late) father served in WW II as a pilot with the 84th Bombardment Squadron, 47th Group in Europe and Northern Africa.
For his efforts he received the American Theater Ribbon, 5 Overseas Service Bars, European-African-Middle Eastern Ribbon with 3 Bronze Battle Stars, Distinguished Air Medal and the American Service Medal.
He had returned from Europe and was on the verge of being sent to the Pacific Theater when Japan surrendered.
Dad would not watch the movie "Patton".
Not after the 1st time, when 10 or fifteen minutes into the film, Generals Patton and Bradley were discussing the Battle at Kasserine Pass. Patton asked where the air support was ... and Bradley replied, "There was none."
Well, according to my dad there was.
He should know, he was there.
And had 3 planes shot out from under him.
I don't think my dad would be watching your so-called documentary either.