From The Opinionated Fool:
Suppose, just for a moment, that some unscrupulus political person, in a powerful national position (read: Barack Hussein Obama), might consider using American troops as pawns to advance an agenda. It sounds harsh, cruel, and so partisan as to be political science-fiction.
But think about this:
Barack Hussein Obama's health-care initiative is on the fence, big time. At first he wanted a bi-partisan bill; then determined that wasn't really necessary. Then other cracks appeared in the form of moderate and conservative Democrats.The health-care bill (the one that doesn't exist yet) stalled.
Enter stage right: Afghanistan, the war Barack Hussein Obama himself campaigned on as the 'right war' for this country. His personally-selected general submitted an assesment of the situation in Afghanistan along with a request for the additional troops, 40,000 to be specific. The assesment has sat on Barack Hussein Obama's desk for over a month now. Additionally, eventual meetings with Barack Hussein Obama and his military and civilian advisors has resulted in the the 'promise' of a decision on strategy and troop requests within the next few weeks - all while our troops are being killed.
(For all the folks out there with fathers/mothers/sons/daughters in the military, and as a parent of a U.S. Marine safely back from Iraq, the callousness of this hesitiancy is frightening.)
Now the prediction: At some point I will not be surprised if a 'deal' is struck. To garner support for the health-care bill among a few Republicans and, more importantly, moderate Democrats, the White House will use the Afghan troop request as a bargaining chip.
In essence: Give support to the health-care bill, get a quick decision on the troop request and war strategy. Cruel, but not surprising.
Remember, you read it here first.