"Change is just a word if you don't have the strength and experience to make it happen. I bring 35 years of experience to make the changes I think we need to make in America."
Changes like bigger government, socialized medicine, inept cronyism and less national security?
Let's take a look at some of Hillary's 35 years of experience:
Yale student Hillary was recruited by leftist professor Tommy The Commie Emerson to monitor the murder trial of The New Haven Nine (Black Panthers) for the ACLU; Hillary also helped edit the Yale Review of Law and Social Action – a left-wing journal which promoted cop-killing and featured cartoons of pig-faced police.
She was appointed by President Goober in 1977 to the Legal Services Corp, a federally-funded non-profit organization;
She oversaw a $90 million-$321 million budget, which she wielded to try to defeat California tax-cutting proposition 9; to support to legal efforts in Michigan to give standing to 'Black English/Ebonics' as a separate language movement; and doled out $260 million to various liberal causes.
Hillary chaired the New World Foundation, a public charity, through which she granted $15,000 to Grassroots International, which funneled the money to the Union of Palestinian Working Women's Committee & the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees (both branches of the PLO).
In her years with the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, there were the Cattle futures, Whitewater and Castle Grande scandals.
Co-President Hillary's effort for comprehensive health-care reform, aka Hillarycare, was a total debacle.
Once Hillarycare went down in flames, her main focus in the administration became scandal defense and avoiding indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice. Every non-sexual scandal associated with the Clinton White House had Hillary's fingerprints all over it. (Travelgate, Filegate, Fostergate, Chinagate)
She did garner some experience with program development: WHO DB, a $1.6 million taxpayer-funded database that contained: vital statistics, SS #, ethnicity, political associations, sexual preference of MORE than 350,000 members of Congress, state and local officials, journalists, supporters and donors from the lists of the DNC and officials from the Reagan and Bush 41 administrations;
Let's not forget a favorite Clinton ploy - wielding the IRS as a personal weapon (targets included Juanita Broaddrick, Katherine Prudhomme, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Billy Dale, Pat and Glenn Mendoza- any of these sound familiar? All were audited).
Hillary decided to run for the Senate and extended her experience in scandal. Bubba pardoned the FALN terrorists to get Latino support in New York, and the New Square Hassidim to get Jewish support. (Pardongate)
The Clintons left the White House with $400,000 worth of furniture & gifts belonging to the White House, not them. (Lootgate)
As a Senator, Hillary has done nothing of note except to raise massive sums of money for herself and her colleagues and making a lot more money writing and selling her memoirs.
Her efforts on behalf of New York post-9/11 have been exposed as largely belonging her colleague's, Chuck Schumer, for which she took credit.
Hillary has passed no important legislation, except for 20 bills renaming post offices and courthouses and congratulating Alexander Hamilton, Shirley Chisolm, Harriet Tubman, the American Republic, and the Syracuse men's and women's Lacrosse team on their respective accomplishments.
Oh, and her vote for the Iraq War .... it wasn't her fault ....
By her own admission, Hillary didn't bother to read the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq before voting to authorize President Bush to use force in 2002.
Apparently she was briefed by her staffers who were misled by faulty intelligence.
Is this the experience upon which her candidacy is based?
CNN anchor Bernard Shaw: "Now wait a minute now, this woman brings a lot of strength."
Newsday columnist Jimmy Breslin: "What strength?"
Shaw: "Don’t you agree that she brings a lot of strength to what she is trying to do?"
Breslin: "No, I think that the strength comes from a lot of people on television or in newspapers that just write drivel."
-- CNN’s Inside Politics, July 8, 1999